I am a student from South Korea, I d like to know more about this site, why here is an ancient heritage place etc. I had already searched of here before and I wasnt able to get as many as information Id wanted. Please help me guys please! cheers.
من احد معالم بغداد القديمة التي يجب الاهتمام بها فعليا انصحكم بزياره لهذا الموقع التراثي القديم
::I am a student from South Korea, I d like to know more about this site, why here is an ancient heritage place etc. I had already searched of here before and I wasnt able to get as many as information Id wanted. Please help me guys please! cheers.
محمد علاء الدين
::من احد معالم بغداد القديمة التي يجب الاهتمام بها فعليا انصحكم بزياره لهذا الموقع التراثي القديم