Khan Murjan i بغداد

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قاطع الرصافة، بغداد، Iraq
Kontakter telefon: +964
Latitude: 33.3385976, Longitude: 44.3924251
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Kommentar 5

  • Ali Al-Tamimi

    Ali Al-Tamimi


    One of Baghdad's Secret historical site

  • Mustafa Nader

    Mustafa Nader


    The (Khan Murjan) is a building in the souk of Baghdad, Iraq. The structure was first built in the 14th century

  • Mohammed Kamal

    Mohammed Kamal


    Historic place. The Khan Murjan ( خان مرجان‎‎) is a building in the souq of Baghdad , Iraq. The structure was first built in the 14th century as a caravanserai, an inn for traveling merchants, whose center was a hall more than 13 metres (43 ft) high.The crenellated arches of brick and perforated windows make this a notable piece of architecture. The building was reputedly in a state of disrepair for over two centuries, with waist-high flood water from the Tigris standing in the famous hallway. By the mid-1980s, the building had been restored and was in use as a restaurant.

  • Ahmed Alsafi

    Ahmed Alsafi


    I love this place

  • Yasser Natik

    Yasser Natik


    Khan Murjan is Khan was used as a hotel for travelers in Baghdad built in the fourth century AD, during the eighties of the twentieth century has been restored and re-used as a restaurant Heritage Old

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