Baghdad Mall i Baghdad

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Kindi Street, 00964, Baghdad, Karkh, IQ Iraq
Kontakter telefon: +1 206-309-1081
Latitude: 33.3116765, Longitude: 44.3646009
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Kommentar 5

  • Hussain Qais

    Hussain Qais


    If you compare it to other malls its the best in baghdad It has some pros and cons +Easy parking and ticket charging machine +One of the best hypermarkets +Parking elevator inside the mall -not too much brands -they charge for parking -no baby care station

  • Ameer Razzaq

    Ameer Razzaq


    Shopping mall. And nice place for hangs out

  • Ali Luay

    Ali Luay


    It's good place to go but it's too small to compare it with mansour mall , it has good place to eat and shipping

  • Hisham Sabah

    Hisham Sabah


    One of the nicest malls in Baghdad, and has the best casual dining/smoking street in the city, the parking lot is spacious and easy to park in. The shopping district could use more brands and options.

  • Kumail Alkahachi

    Kumail Alkahachi


    The best mall I visited in Baghdad so far, clean and safe. Lighting and design is modern.

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