Baghdad Mall Simit Sarayi i Baghdad

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Baghdad Mall, Kindi St, 211، Baghdad, Iraq
Kontakter telefon: +964
Latitude: 33.311794, Longitude: 44.364679
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Kommentar 5

  • Ali Al-Mudhafar

    Ali Al-Mudhafar


    one of the best cafe's in Baghdad mall. the best staff ever - the first time I've been in the place one of the staff members was very friendly and he spent a long time explaining and describing the test of all simit's desert and what are his recommendation it was really enjoying time I spent there with my wife. the test is very nice and very high quality the prices are good and reasonable. location and interior decoration is nice and relaxing. I do recommend visiting this place as you will never regret it.

  • thualfiqar Al Taai

    thualfiqar Al Taai


    I wish i can award a 6 stars

  • zayzoz



  • Hussein Ali Mohammed Salihah

    Hussein Ali Mohammed Salihah


    it's a Turkish Cuisine at my step door and i love every Bite , the Prices was a little high for Pastry But Still worth

  • محمد علاء الدين

    محمد علاء الدين


    Simiti sarayi is one from the series of light Turkish restaurants, and is considered this branch is the first in Iraq, which is characterized Turkish "Simiti", beautiful view but the service is slow, in addition to the relatively high prices with the Iraqi market

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