Al Mamon University College i Baghdad

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14 Ramadan Street, Baghdad, Mansour, IQ Iraq
Kontakter telefon: +964 771 961 1221
Latitude: 33.337643, Longitude: 44.3397675
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Kommentar 5

  • Sara jasim

    Sara jasim


    Private collage has about eleven departments, in art and science. Redecorated many times, clean all the time, open six days a week, morning and evening studies.

  • Hatim Ghadhban Abood

    Hatim Ghadhban Abood


    I have spend three years there as a lecturer. Nice and cooperative colleagues. Thank you. Nice and recently renovated building but crowded. It is one of the oldest private universities in Iraq. It includes the following majors: Electrical power engineering, computer engineering, communication engineering, Law, accounting, business, English language, geography , biology , and pharmaceutical. However, it is crowded and has no car park for students. The only park are there is for the staff and it is not enough either.

  • Nibrass Alattar

    Nibrass Alattar


    Nice Academic institue in Al Mansour descrite in Baghdad ...trying always to improve the educational performance

  • Mohammed Kamal

    Mohammed Kamal


    Crowded College 🎓 it was established before couple years. They have good lecturers and staff.

  • saad adhame

    saad adhame


    Thank God I graduated in 2014 the day was beautiful and friends were Sincerely we will forever remember the college Greetings to all and God set up a bright future for students

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